Let Go

Coming Home Soon


Let go
By Louise McGivern

When the fog lifts, the clouds clear and the tears dry,
there’s clarity.
We don’t say it out loud but we can both see it.
It’s a dull pain now, not like before.
Not all consuming anymore.
We understand what is happening, we’re prepared, we have been for a while.
It’s called Acceptance I think,
when you let go and it doesn’t hurt as much.
Sometimes when you hold on too tight to someone, you draw blood.
Not the kind sisters draw when they’re young, all bright eyed and beaming, promising a lifelong bond,
but the kind of blood you don’t feel or see at first, so clean and deep that it goes unnoticed.
Those wounds heal over time but always leave an ugly scar.
A reminder.
Words once said can’t be unsaid.
They float around in our heads, drifting to the front every once…

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What does living a ‘super awesome life’ mean to you?

Determined. To Be...

If you had to answer the question – what does living a ‘super awesome life’ mean to you? What would you say?

I had the opportunity to do just that as Ashley’s first in her inspirational series, profiling those that are living a ‘super awesome life’ after going through difficulty, challenges, etc.  This was o fun to do, and I feel honored to be her first guest!

Take a look, if you have a chance, and I’d love to hear the first thing that pops to mind when asked: what inspires you to continue living a life you love every single day?


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